User Guide


List out all Tasks

Use list to view all tasks.

Search for specific keywords

Use find KEYWORD to list all tasks that contain the specified keyword.

Complete a Task

Use done INDEX to complete the task at the specified index.

Delete a Task

Use delete INDEX to delete the task at the specified index.

Get Help

Use help for Duke to give you some instructions and tips in case you have forgotten any commands.

Exiting Duke

Use bye to exit the programme.



Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Here are your tasks: ... If no such tasks exists it will return No tasks found.


Example of usage:

find (keyword1 keyword2...)

Expected outcome:

All tasks that contain all the keywords. If no such tasks exists it will return No tasks found.


Example of usage:

done INDEX

Index must be within range.

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done: [TASK IN QUESTION]

If the specified index is not within range, the response will be OOPS! Command was not executed! Please choose an index that is within range.


Example of usage:

delete INDEX

Index must be within range.

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've removed this task: [TASK IN QUESTION] Now you have XYZ tasks in the list.

If the specified index is not within range, the response will be OOPS! Command was not executed! Please choose an index that is within range.

You can add a tag to any tag by simply writing a # followed by the word.

Example: do #work today contains the tag work.


Creates a todo task.

Example of usage:

todo DESCRIPTION Description cannot be empty and must start exactly 1 space after todo.

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:[TASK IN QUESTION] Now you have XYZ tasks in the list.

If description is empty or has erroneous spacing, the response will be: OOPS! Task was not added! Please start your description exactly 1 space after the task type. Type 'help' to see the appropriate format.


Creates an event task.

Example of usage:

event DESCRIPTION /at TIMING Description cannot be empty and must start exactly 1 space after event. Timing must be in yyyy-MM-dd format.

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: [TASK IN QUESTION] Now you have XYZ tasks in the list.

If description is empty or has erroneous spacing, the response will be: OOPS! Task was not added! Please start your description exactly 1 space after the task type. Type 'help' to see the appropriate format.

if the timing is in invalid format, the response will be: "OOPS! Task was not added! Please use the yyyy-MM-dd format for your date.


Creates a deadline task.

Example of usage:

deadline DESCRIPTION /by TIMING Description cannot be empty and must start exactly 1 space after deadline. Timing must be in yyyy-MM-dd format.

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: [TASK IN QUESTION] Now you have XYZ tasks in the list.

If description is empty or has erroneous spacing, the response will be: OOPS! Task was not added! Please start your description exactly 1 space after the task type. Type 'help' to see the appropriate format.

If the timing is in invalid format, the response will be: "OOPS! Task was not added! Please use the yyyy-MM-dd format for your date.


Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Don't panic! I am here. Here are some useful commands: ...


Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Window closes.